Thursday, September 16, 2010

Google Maps: A Nostalgic Trip

Google maps are so amazing! Whenever I'm feeling a little nostalgic about the places I've lived... guess what!? I can take a virtual tour of my old stomping grounds! Maybe its not as good as the real deal, but it sure beats the cost of a plane ticket every time I feel like visiting.

Just a few days ago I was missing my old home in Naples, with it's rolling hills, green vineyards, and lush orchards. So I decided to tromp down my old road. It ended up being harder than I thought, since it used to be called Via Pendine Casalanno, but now its just called Via Casalanno. Ahhh how the world changes... Well I did eventually find it and zoomed as close as I could to my old home. After I had had enough of staring at rooftops I wanted something more! So I used Google's greatest feature of all, Streetview! This is what actually allowed me to take a stroll down memory lane (aka Via Casalanno). I clicked by all of my friends houses, then past a house that housed some crazy dogs, then past the dumpsters that I would take the trash out to every day, and finally to the good ol' pizzeria where the family would go to eat. So if you ever feel like checking out an old memory, you have nowhere further to go than the internet... hmmm that's kinda pathetic.


  1. If you haven't already check out the Rome Apartment in Via Tazio Nuvolari and the Florence Apartment "Il Gratticielo" in Piazza Pietro Leopoldo - cool stuff!

  2. I'll have to check them out. I'm sure I'll recognize a lot from Rome!
